Today is the first day of CrossFit Uplifts 6 month mobility pgm.
The program will run until December 2016.
The program goal is to restore "proper" functional mobility through ALL joints and ranges of movement within all CrossFit Uplift members.
Our goal in CrossFit is to achieve our best health and fitness, we (as intelligent athletes) know of the faults and dysfunction that we carry into every activity in our lives. Moving with poor mobility only predisposes us to injury and we cannot achieve our "best health" unless we remedy these issues.
We will spend 15-20 minutes on mobility every class, your coaches will also be encouraging you to complete your mobility program at home on the days you don't come in to the box.
"It's important to understand that there are no days off, you need to commit 15-20 minutes every single day on mobilizing and working on your mechanics". Dr. Kelly Starrett
Then complete 3 single repetitions @ 70% of your new 1RM.
We will not be doing the 5/3/1 program in class for the next 3 months, with this in mind you may want to re-assess the movement you have chosen for your Justa program.
1 Power Clean every 40 seconds for 8 minutes @ 70 - 80% of 1RM
Clean and Jerk - 3/3/1/1/1 (Heavy, but not max)
Buy in to every Clean and Jerk set with:
20 Wall Balls (must be unbroken, so scale as needed) - 20/14lb
8 Romanan Deadlifts - you choose the weight
NOT FOR TIME, but move with purpose.