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Friday 18/12/15


"10 Day Partner Chrissy Challenge" WOD 7

For 10 minutes Relay A.M.R.A.P of:

5 Pull ups - Purple Band Pull ups - Ring Rows

10 Push ups - Knee Push ups - Knee Push ups

15 Air Squats

5 minutes rest, then

A.M.R.A.P in 9 minutes of:

1 Rope Climb - 3 Rope Lowers - 8 Ring Rows

3 Handstand Push ups - Hand Release Push ups - Push ups

1 Rope Climb

6 Handstand Push ups

1 Rope Climb

9 Handstand Push ups

etc... continuing to increase the Handstand Push ups by 3 until the time cap.

Score is total repetitions.

set of 3 Rope Lowers and 8 Ring Rows count as 1 repetition


10 Day Partner Chrissy Challenge LEADERBOARD (after WOD 6)

1st Nick (63). 21st Mitch.C (156)

2nd Bec (71). 22nd Brooke (159)

3rd Sonya (87). 22nd Brian (159)

4th Candy (90). 24th Tenille (168)

5th Rach.S (93). 25th Skin (173)

6th Alan (94). 26th Tim (182)

7th Kahla (96). 27th Bec.H (185)

8th Amanda (97). 27th Danni (185)

8th Roger (97). 27th Lauren (185)

10th Kirsty (117). 30th Gail (187)

11th Rach.D.C (120). 31st Emily (188)

12th Chad (131). 31st Katie (188)

13th Renee (134). 31st Julie (188)

14th Leanne (135). 34th Farnsy (190)

15th Brendon (140). 35th Natty (196)

16th Steve (142). 36th Frank (210)

17th Vanessa (148). 36th Josh (210)

17th Henri (148). 38th Omar (216)

19th Maz (150)

20th Gemma (155)

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