150m row
12 squats
9 sit-ups
6 push-ups
Tabata 20sec on/10 sec off x8 (4min)
Top of ring dip hold
Bottom ring of dip hold
(Be careful, this is going to be hard, if rings is to hard scale to parallel bars in 1st room)
50m max farmers carry
15 barbell curls
25 banded tricep extensions
10sec hollow hold- 50 sec rest
20sec hollow hold- 40 sec rest
30sec hollow hold - 30 second rest
60 sec hold
Complete as far as possible without breaking up. Once broken up finish there.
8 Sled push pull
X3 3min rest b/w sets
(attach rope to sled, push to other end of room. Pull it back on the rope. Repeat this 8 times then add more weight each round, start light increase as you go)