Warm Up
7 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
7 push ups
7 sit ups
7 jumping squats (or normal squats)
Work Out
Each 5 minutes for 7 rounds complete
100m cardio (row, bike, run etc)
10 box jumps / step ups (minimum 4 planks + each side if possible)
15 TRX rows
20 squat jumps
25 crunches
* If you finish before the 5 min mark, you rest until the start of the next 5 min mark. If you do not, you stop where you are and start at the start again.
Push hard to get it under the 5 mins 👍
Cool down
400m walk * focus on slowing your breathing down and relaxing
30 arm circles forward (slow)
30 arm circles backward (slow)