3 rounds of:
200m Walk/Run (on Treadmill)
10 Monster Walks (each way)
Back Squats
4 sets of 6-10 repetitions
:90 seconds between sets.
*Weight should be less than or equal to 70% of testing number.
*Each rep is 4 seconds on the way down, 1 second on the way up.
Shoulder Press
*All sets, reps, speed and rest periods as above.
4 sets of:
6-8 Backward Stepping Lunges - each leg (bar in back rack)
:15 seconds rest
8-12 Leg Extensions
2-3 minutes rest
*Each of these sets will get nasty, especially the Lunges, don't shy away from it, dig in.
4 sets of:
6-8 Upright Rows
:15 second rest
8-12 Dumbbell Side Raises