3 sets of:
Deadlift - Build to your 1 Rep Max
*Use Trap Bar if preferred
*If you have a lower back complaint i still want you to work the deadlift movement, keep it light and work within pain.
Pull up - Build to your 1 Rep Max
Then: after a good rest complete, 1 set for max repetitions at body weight.
*If you can't presently do 1 Pull up, find the thinnest band you can complete 1 as your strength, then choose a band slightly easier to complete your Max Set.
4 sets of:
8 Seated Row
:30 second rest
10 Straight Arm Push downs (:02 seconds down, :02 seconds up)
:90 second rest
*Challenging from the first set.
4 sets of:
12 Leg Extensions
straight into
12 Leg Curls
straight into
20 Calf Raises
:60 second rest