Warm Up
Jump rope for 3 mins (OR fast step ups)
rest 1 minute
Jump rope for 2 mins
Work Out
3 rounds of:
12 dumbbell push press ~ moderate weight.
12 dumbbell lateral raises ~ moderate weight.
12 mountain climbers
3 rounds of:
12 pull ups (assisted machine, banded or jumping pull ups, in need)
12 kettle bell swings ~ moderately heavy.
12 push ups (toes if possible chest to floor OR knees)
12 kettle bell swings
3 rounds of:
15 crunches
15 BICYCLE crunches
15 reverse crunches (lift bum up)
15 BICYCLE crunches
15 side crunch pulses (L) (reach around to side touch your shoes)
15 BICYCLE crunches
15 side crunch pulses (R)
I did this in 18 min 19 seconds.