2 rounds of:
15 Banded Pull aparts
This is your re-test, bring your A-Game and get the best numbers you can.
Bench Press
Build to a Max 1 Rep
Parallel bar Dips
Build to a heavy 1 rep
Parallel Bar Dip
1 set for max repetitions
4 sets of:
20-30 second Pec Deck Hold (squeeze each arm in till they touch and hold)
:15 second rest
15 Bar Tricep Pushdowns (Use the new cable machine in the back room, attach the long bar that connects to both cables)
:60-:90 seconds rest
4 rounds of:
6-8 Dumbbell Bench Press'
:15 second rest
15 Dumbbell Chest Flyes
:15 second rest
Max Push ups (no pausing or resting)
2 minute second rest