3 rounds of:
8 Push ups
200m Row
*first 4 weeks of this strength cycle finished guys, during the next 4 weeks the weights will be higher, Reps a little less and more rest between sets.
Keep working hard you will see the pay off in 6-8 weeks time.*
Bench Press - 4 sets of 5-8 @ 70%-76% of your best lift.
:90 seconds rest between sets.
*Tempo on each repetition is 4 seconds down, 1 second up.
4 sets of:
6 Decline Bench Press (a little heavier than last week)
:30 seconds rest
12 Pec Deck (heavy)
:90 sec - 2 minutes rest
4 sets of:
straight into
12 Barbell Tricep Extensions
:60-:90 seconds rest
3 sets of:
12 Machine Dips (in the back room)
straight into
Max rep Hand Release Push ups
2 minutes rest