This week our strength work will decrease in reps but increase in weight. If you missed last weeks strength of 5x5 make sure you do that this week as your body will not be primed for the heavy sets this week. Enjoy the week guys and push hard. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask.
5 min AMRAP
10 banded lateral walks
10 banded squats
10 banded good mornings
Back squats 3 reps x 5 sets
(heavier than the 5s last week)
1:30-2min rest b/w sets
8 e/s Single leg deadlifts (kb or dbs)
15 deadbugs
8 e/s Lunge shoulder press
(focus on staying tight and no side bending)
20 second each side Single leg balance
(Move a weight around and try balance)
20 back extensions (1sec pause at top)
1 min plank